i'm sitting here trying to keep John on track with his homework, while Samuel practices piano, Margaret does her homework, and William draws comic style pictures with me as the superhero slaying the bad mommies and daddies of the world. ha.
yesterday we went to worship and Pastor Cassidy preached on the familiar first few passages from Romans 6. it was so good to worship and receive communion. after church we came home and i whipped up a sauce for the Central Market pumpkin ravioli i had bought the other day. then we sat down to a nice meal on our finest china. i've been trying to make our Sunday meal a little more special, and pulling out the china and using nice napkins and trying to use our best manners is our way of setting the meal apart.
i felt pretty rotten most of the day, so i took a long nap and read All the Pretty Horses much of the afternoon. Brian made a fire in the fireplace, and we just relaxed and took it easy. i couldn't completely enjoy the day because of how i felt though. i think it has something to do with this nutritional supplement my mom passed on to me. any of y'all ever used Reliv products? well, she took them for awhile, but the cancelled her order and gave me what she had left, as she didn't notice a difference when she was taking it. i'd been taking it for a couple of weeks and it seems to be the cause of my intestinal upset. it was terrible. needless to say, i stopped the stuff, but not soon enough. ugh.
after i dropped the kids at school, i went down to the trail and ran 20 miles. it looks so simple when i type it out, but it was long and grueling, and i had to cheer myself on over and over past mile 15.but i did it and i think i'm on my way to a decent finish in the marathon. i might try another 20 miler between now and then, depending on how i feel. i doubt i'll attempt to run further than that in training. i think i'll be be able to do the extra 6.2 in the marathon coasting on adrenalin. i'm glad i got it done today before the arctic cold front arrives. my hands swelled up like vienna sausages out there. they never swell, even when i run in the heat of summer, so i'm attributing it to the Reliv as well. i've been drinking lots of water, trying to get it out of my system
so far this year i've finished three books. i finished All the Pretty Horses today, or maybe it was last night. this book was full of beautiful imagery of west Texas and Mexico. it took awhile to get used to McCarthy's style of writing, as he uses no quotation marks, which made it a little hard to follow at the first. but i truly enjoyed this book, mostly because of the setting. it makes me all the more look forward to our spring break trip out to Big Bend.
well, i'm off to get this place in shape before the man gets home. stay warm, folks.
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