Monday, January 17, 2011

i'm the only one up so far on this drizzly Sunday morning. i'm enjoying the quiet while i drink my Pike Place roast coffee.

yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind day for us. as i blogged about yesterday, Brian went down to the trail first thing to run 22 miles. and he did! i took John to his basketball game, and Brian brought the rest of the bunch a little while later. John isn't much on organized sports yet. he just doesn't have the attention span for them, but he sure did enjoy sitting there with his female coach talking to her about all sorts of things. William and Samuel had their game right after John's. Samuel really comes out of his shell in sports. he's so aggressive! Brian says that we just need to have him involved in something at all times. he seems to need the affirmation that comes from doing well in sports more than the others. after the game, Margaret and i went to a Girl Scout meeting, and Brian took the boys to register them for spring baseball. we picked up our cookies at the GS meeting. sales start on Wednesday!


It's now Sunday evening. i've been having the time of my life scanning in old photos for the past hour or so. our old printer/scanner died awhile back, so Brian's parents got us a new one for Christmas. it's a lot better than the last one. i have a huge pile of photos that i need to get scanned in, so i'm working on it a little bit at a time as i have time. they bring back a ton of memories, and i find myself stopping to stare at pictures and day dream for awhile.

after we got home from church, Brian and i each spent most of the afternoon working with the kids on their science projects. Margaret's is done now, and i think William's is, too. we are still working on the other two kids'. i am so glad that i have Brian to help with theses things, because science is so not my thing!

i'm having trouble finding a good book to read now. i checked out some "national best sellers", but i read a chapter or two and get turned off by the crudeness or the unbelievable storyline, and then move on. i need some recommendations!

i've been keeping up (barely) with my daily Bible reading, and it has been so good to submerge myself in the Word! i got behind this past week and had to read about ten chapters yesterday to catch up. i'm not complaining. it was glorious! i'm currently reading in Genesis, Nehemiah, Matthew and Acts.

it's been raining for several days now. i went to the Y again this afternoon to exercise, my second day in a row to do that. i can't make myself run on a treadmill. it's just nothing like real running. i did the elliptical for half an hour or so, then climbed almost 100 floors on the stair stepper. i was pouring sweat by the end. i really wanted to make it to 100, but my timer sopped and the machine stopped and that was that. next time i'll get in those last 6 floors.

i was sure i had more interesting things to write about, but i guess not. maybe i'm just too tired.

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