Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sometimes I wake up and am totally bewildered by what day it is, where am I, and what am I doing here. I guess I'm just so worn out at the end of our crazy days. This morning was one of those mornings. Brian and i were supposed to go over to Starbucks for coffee and breakfast and Bible study, but i completely forgot and ate some breakfast and got the coffee going before he got up. Well, we'll go tomorrow. We've started studying the book of Mark together and have a weekly "share session" at Starbucks. Just us, no Hazel. We sneak out before she wakes up.
Yesterday we took a cookie pizza down to daddy's along with a framed picture of the kids - father's day gifts. He wasn't there, so we left them on his with a "sorry we missed you" note scrawled in a paper towel, then headed downtown to the library. love the downtown library because the wealth of books to choose from and the nostalgia: it's where we always checked out books when i was a kid. What i don't like is the number of homeless people that hang out in front of and inside it. I always make sure that the kids go potty, especially the boys, before we go to that library. Inevitably, one boy ends up having to go #2 while we're there, and i stand outside the men's restroom the whole time praying that some freak isn't molesting my boys on the other side of the wall. I always make them go to the potty in pairs, but still, things can happen.....

Learning to trust the Lord with my kids, that's something I'm yet learning.

I came away with some delicious books. It's so thrilling to come home with a bag filled with a variety of titles and then to feel them out to decide which ones are worth my time.

Karen and I didn't run last night. She was busy with something else, and Brian had a deacons' meeting, so I needed to be here to man the fort. We'll get back to running tonight.

Brian and I slept with Hazel wedged between us. She was hopping and bopping at 10:30 last night and just wouldn't go down in her bed. She is constant action, more than all my others, if my memory serves me right. She drags herself all through the house now and can pull herself up steps. She has started pulling up on furniture, too.

One thing she isn't doing is eating solids. She gags on everything. Everything! The only thing she can tolerate is mommy milk. She thought I was trying to poison her when I offered her a sippy cup with formula, and gagged and choked for a good thirty seconds. I guess it'll be awhile before we can leave her for more than a couple of hours. I guess it's nice to feel needed.

And speaking of feeling needed, she's ready for breakfast.

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