Friday, May 18, 2012

Another night of wrestling with an octopus. I don't know what the deal is with Hazel. She will not let me put her in the pack-n-play beside our bed. She'll only sleep if she's right I between Brian and I.

It's already the middle of the afternoon. This day is going by too fast. Seems like Fridays always do. I took the kids down to the town lake trail this morning for a long walk. We did the 4.2 mile loop, then grabbed some lunch at Taco Cabana. You know what, my kids are a real joy to go places with. I can say that without bragging because lately some of them are really hard to be at home with.

Margaret and Samuel have their last regular season soccer game tonight. I'm going to make homemade pizza for dinner...just waiting for the spirit to move me.

I've got the kids in there watching Marley & Me while get dinner made. Sometimes you just gotta pull out the electronic babysitter.

Brian took the kids to their soccer game tonight so I could have some rest. I gave Hazel some rice cereal and nursed her and changed her. Hopefully all these things will work together to make her feel happy and contented and maybe, just maybe she'll sleep a little tonight. I am so weary of her waking every few hours.

Everyone is back home now. Margaret and Samuel won their last game and will play in the city-wide tournament next week. We celebrated with ice cream sandwiches and we're all heading off to bed. We have Vern's No Frills 5k in the morning. I'm sure I'll make a terrible showing, what with me not getting much sleep all week, but it will be good for me to get out and run hard anyways.

Reading back over what I've written throughout the day and I sure have complained a lot. Really there is so much to be thankful for. Life is beautiful.

Well, there goes Hazel. :)

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