We still haven’t heard from Margaret. I eagerly check the mailbox every morning (our delivery comes early) and still nothing. She’s been gone a month and a half now and the last we heard from her was a month ago to tell us she had covid. I’m sure she’s doing well, it would just be nice to hear some news.
We had snow on Sunday. It was beautiful and such a special treat for us in south central Texas.
I’ve been trying to keep up with my resolutions.
* I’ve stayed up with my Bible reading for the past 12 days.
* I amended my step goal to 140k a week instead of 20K a day, basically the same thing just a little more reasonable.
*I don’t think I got 3 hours outside every day this week but I’m sure it will average out over the year since I spend almost all day outside from March to October.
The girls are getting very efficient with finishing their school work. They get up early and get out the cart that has the books on it and get started on their own. They like to finish quickly so they can go ride bikes. They play outside most of the day since we moved here.
We are hoping and planning to purchase the lot across from our house soon. It’s a 4 and a half acre field between us and the train tracks. We were told the owner was cranky and would never sell to anyone though many have approached her about this land. She came by to meet us after we’d not been here too long and started hinting at wanting to sell. She’s recently said point blank that she wants us to have first dibs on it ahead of the developers that have been hounding her about selling for years. She has no interest in keeping the field, it’s been in her family for a generation or two and they don’t use it for anything and are tired of paying taxes on it. We would love to have it and find ways to generate some income from it by leasing it for a horse or two or some other purpose. The girls have wanted animals (besides cats) to tend though we don’t know the first thing about animal husbandry.
We recently purchased a small lot across the road from us that has a manufactured home on it. We intend to sell the home when the tenant’s lease is up in the spring and move it off the lot. Our dream would be to move an old house on to the lot or build something for an investment property. When we were considering moving here our two biggest concerns were these two lots. Who owns the land in front of the house and what would become of it long term, and how can we get that manufactured home off the property across the street or at least clean up the lot? Within a few months of being here both properties basically fell in our laps! We continue to pray for God’s wisdom to know how to best use them.
The girls are wanting breakfast. I’m off.
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