Wednesday, October 26, 2011

i had a dr. appointment this morning. still nothing to report, though Dr. Love and i had a good chat about scripture and biblical Christianity. he's such a great guy and i'm just so blessed to have had him for my doc all these years. he and his wife are a really cute pair. now that their kids are older, she works in the office with him, kind of managing things. they both treat me like an old friend. i guess i kind of am now as he's been doing my business for 13 years now.

we have a busy weekend coming up, so i kind of hope Hazel stays put. tomorrow evening Brian's office is having their annual halloween party. then friday we're going out to the pumpkin patch with my mom. Brian's parents are coming in to town friday evening for a short visit. saturday morning we have soccer games, and then i'm sure we'll do something to celebrate Brian's mom's birthday which is coming up next week. of course we'll have church on sunday, and then halloween on monday. i would really hate to spoil the kids fun by having to up and go to the hospital in the midst of one of their fun acitvities. but they're also very much looking forward to Hazel coming. they keep asking when it will be.

thankfully i've been getting more sleep lately. last week was rough, but this week i've been in bed before 9 and even though i've been getting up at 5 or a little earlier, i usually climb back in bed with Brian for another half hour after i get the coffee going and have my breakfast. i'm just feeling really good right now. Dr. Love even complimented me, saying pregnancy looks good on me. LOL. i guess there is something to beauty sleep.

school is going well. we're about a third of the way through in most subjects. some days are harder than others, and i sometimes spend a lot of time on the phone with the principal, but overall, i can't complain. the kids are learning to apply themselves and work hard.

the kids each planted a garden a couple of weeks ago and have had a lot of fun tending it. it makes me happy to see them so excited about gardening.

well, that's all the non-news i have to report. happy wednesday, folks.

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