Wednesday, March 23, 2011


the nausea has set in, but i only see it as a blessing. the past day or two i was worried because i wasn't experiencing much in the way of pregnancy symptoms. last night while at the ball fields for Samuel's practice, while the other kids played in the creek, i wandered around, perusing site after site on pregnancy to see when one should start experiencing symptoms, when one should start to show, etc. some mommas said that with 2nd and 3rd, and beyond pregnancies they looked like they were five months along at just 7 weeks. others said they didn't start to show until two months. i'm not showing at all. yeah, i've got the mother Mary shape up top, a pregnancy blessing, but not one bit of bulge in my tummy. i've never wanted a pregnancy to "stick" like this one. i've given it to the Lord and i know that baby is in His hands.

many people assume that this is an Oops! baby. quite the contrary.

a couple of months ago i sent Brian this text:

"you wanna have another baby?"

it was not what was on his mind at all. he was just feeling comfy with our family of six. we talked about it a couple of times, then it sort of dropped. then when we were out to dinner at Eastside Cafe for Valentine's dinner, he brought up the subject again. he said he'd been thinking about it and the idea had grown on him, and, if it was something i wanted, he would be thrilled to have another. i can't duplicated the beautiful words he said, but it was really touching. so a couple of days later we through caution to the wind and a new Wells baby was created. i really thought it would take awhile, what with both of us doing a lot of running during that time, and then me running a marathon between conception and implantation. but it's all in God's hands, and He made it all come together all so beautifully.

it's Wednesday afternoon and i just got back from my doctor visit. i got too see Baby and see the heart beat. i wanted to jump up and scream for joy! it was really exciting! everything else looked good. as expected, i've lost a weight since i found out i was pregnant and stopped running as much though i feel like i'm eating all the time. it was so fun to chat with Dr. Love and his nurse Janine. i had to go to the lab in the hospital to have all my blood work done. it was such a neat feeling to be walking down the hall as an expectant mother again.

well, the kiddos and the house need my attention.

1 comment:

  1. awesome!!!! Well, not the nausea setting in part, but what great fun wanting to be pregnant again, and enjoying it like this!!! Hope everything continues to go well!
