The last two weeks have been somewhat crazy. Samuel joined a basketball club team and Margaret wrapped up track season at the district finals. There was STAAR testing for three of the four kids, and projects due. Brian had some shake up at work with one if his valuable co-workers giving his two week notice, as well as two of the principals retiring. These two events opened unexpected opportunity for him to take on new leadership. Then there's the three of us girls who stay home. Life isn't what you'd call busy for us. Physically exhausting, maybe, but not necessarily busy. From 5 am. To 10 pm I'm feeding, changing diapers, bathing, singing to, reading to, pushing and pulling the two little ones. At the end of the day I fall into bed sore, but fulfilled.
Olive is nearly two months old. She now feels like family and not a stranger. Not gonna lie, she's a really fussy baby. Nothing puts me on edge faster than a crying baby, so I spend her waking hours trying to pacify her. She's not much of a smiler. We've only got a handful of grins out of her. Mostly she seems really concerned about what's going on in her tummy and does a lot of frowning. Even so, she's such a sweet thing and I just stare at her in wonder that God gave us another child, and this one just as unique and precious as the other five.
Yesterday we sold my old Ford Ranger. I've had it since 1996, longer than I've had Brian. My great grandmother promised all her kids a new car when they graduated high school. She didn't count homeschool as true schooling, and held off giving my sister and I cars until we were older (Thomas attended public high school, so he received his upon graduation.). I got mine for my 20th birthday.
It'll be sad the day the new owner comes and drives it away. We're hoping to find Brian a good commuter car that will hold more kids, get good gas mileage, and last us awhile.
That's all the news for now. Have a blessed Holy Week!
He is risen!