what a weekend we had! the kids had a four day weekend. Friday morning i got called by Meals on Wheels to fill in. they gave me a small route, but instead of all the clients being in one complex, as are those on my route, they were each at separate houses in a pretty scary area. after that we went downtown to the
Allan House where Jess' reception was going to be. the kids and i helped arrange flowers for the table settings. we had to run back home to do some chores at home before hopping back in the car to go back downtown to pick up our marathon packets at the health and fitness expo at Palmer. the kids were great. they're kind of used to this routine and love to go to the expo and get all the free goodies like Larabars and Soyjoys.
Brian's parents were at the house when we got home. after Brian got home from work, we quickly got ready for the wedding and made it just in time. thankfully it was at our church and not across town which would have been near impossible to get to at 6 pm. on a Friday evening.
the wedding was beautiful. it was wonderful to see my sweet friend marry a good guy. it was just a couple of years ago that she was telling Janet and me that she really, really wanted to get married. =)
the reception was a lot of fun, too, and the Allen House was a beautiful place to have it.
Brian and i went to a funeral on Saturday morning for an old family friend, Ruth. i think i mentioned her death in a previous blog post. after that we had two basketball games to attend - we watched Samuel and William's team and John's team play simultaneously. we all ran errands Saturday afternoon, then met up to have dinner at Trudy's per Samuel's birthday request. Brian's parents watched the kids that evening while Brian and i went out and got 11th hour things done in preparation for the marathon.
we were up and at 'em at 4:30 Sunday morning. marathon morn is always exciting. we drive downtown while it's still dark and join the throngs of other runners heading to the start line and the vibe is so upbeat and energizing. we met up with a couple of friends, Chris Condit and Bob Donaldson. Chris and i lined up together with the 4:15 pace group. Brian found uncle Bob (Simon), and they lined up with the 4:00 pace group, and that was the last i saw of Brian until i finished the race.
i felt the best i've felt running a marathon as far as joints and all that. i hardly stopped to walk at all, and only stopped once to stretch in the final 2 miles. i ran the first half pretty fast, which surprised me once i realized that (from reading my times on the marathon website afterwards) since that is the hardest part of the race with all the hills. but i slowed down in the last ten miles and ended up running the thing in 4:19.
near mile 22 or 23 i spotted the Zamora family, so i had Gracie snap this picture of me and the boys
Jose on the left and Ricky on the right.
i saw a few familiar face along the race route that cheered me up and gave me the oomph to keep going, and for that i am so grateful - Abby Adams and her dad, Cheryll and John, Elliot, the Peacock family, Mandy Condit, and Brian's parents with our kids, and then Zamoras.
Brian and me, post race~
below are my stats from the marathon website~
Distance | MAR |
Clock Time | 4:35:34 |
Chip Time | 4:19:41 |
Overall Place | 1767 / 4804 |
Gender Place | 459 / 1944 |
Division Place | 82 / 350 |
Tot Div | 4804 |
Tot Gend | 1944 |
Tot Ag | 350 |
5K Rank | INC |
5K Time |
10M Rank | 2447 |
10M Time | 1:36:36 |
Half Rank | 2196 |
Half Time | 2:05:41 |
20M Rank | 1897 |
20M Time | 3:14:29 |
Final 10K Rank | 1767 |
Final 10K Time | 4:19:41 |
Total Pace | 9:55/M |
we had a party for Samuel on Sunday afternoon after we had had a chance to shower and clean up. a couple of his classmates came, plus the relatives, and also the Zamora family.
the kids had Monday off, so we got to relax a bit and take our time jumping back into things. parent-teacher conferences were that day. we met with William's teacher, which was stressful. she's a very intense person and i know she thinks Brian and i are the worst excuse for parents ever. Samuel had her last year, and she just couldn't deal with all his issues. now she has William with his quirkiness, and she just thinks we're some kind of religious wacko quack parents. but after that we went over to Samuel's teacher, and she's a breath of fresh air. she's kind of quirky herself, had long wild graying hair, wears knee socks, and multiple ear piercings. you know, she's so Austin. she's also very respectful of us as parents, never questioning our decisions for our kids. Samuel has really jelled with her, and she doesn't try to put him in a box. i really like her. we met with John's teacher after that. we were so glad to get a good report about him. his behavior has improved and he's making some progress in reading. he's a natural at math, thankfully, so that even if he is behind in reading, that shouldn't keep him from moving up to 2nd grade next year.
we didn't meet with Margaret's teachers because they said she was doing fine.
after P/T conferences, the kids and i went down to Daddy's to do a little trailer maintenance. we're going to loan it to Jess' new inlaws for about a month, and i needed to clean it and check to make sure the pipe hadn't frozen and busted in the last few weeks. we cleaned everything, including wiping out the fridge that had mildewed since it was last used.
as we drove away i started feeling sick, and i just got worse and worse. i went straight to bed when we got home. i took Samuel and William to their bball practice last night, but could barely stand it i was so chilled. i literally thought i was dying i felt so sick. i shivered all night and my head hurt so bad i cried.
weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning! i felt better this morning, just wiped out. i called in sick for Classical Conversations. i was so glad i did, because i really needed a day to rest. i think i may have had a bad reaction to the mold in the trailer's fridge. i'm so glad it doesn't seem to be the flu.
i did laundry and cleaned house most of the day. i love days like that.
i'm not feeling too bad at all from the marathon. i will probably hit the gym tomorrow and see how these old legs do.
the Run for Ricky endeavor has done more than we dreamed, praise God! we have about $2400 in pledges. now we're just waiting for the people to send them in so we can give the money to the Zamoras at one time.
i'm reading Decent Exposure about talking to your kids about sex. it's kind of old, like 1988, or something, but i guess they knew about sex even back then.
i'm off to bed now.